Wednesday 29 September 2010

Bad behaviour down to genes, not poor parenting, says study


Bad behaviour down to genes, not poor parenting, says study

Well, thank goodness we've got that sorted out. You see, we can proceed with this as our "truth," now, to the exclusion of all else. The trouble is, if it's not the truth, then the treatment we prescribe to treat ADHD will fail, and very quickly.

Now, you lazy fuckers: everything is learned, and if you explained stuff better, instead of punishing anything and everything you don't like, you might get further, faster. But you won't, because you're too fucking stupid - and you will indoctrinate your children with the same behaviours that you, and/or others, have shown them.

While I'm at it, I may as well point out why it is that one shouldn't tell a person that they have absolutely no control over their own behaviour. Or, for that matter, why one shouldn't tell others that a person will behave irrationally, irrespective of how one conducts oneself towards that person. It is this: it removes all responsibility from the individual to try other stuff.

In other words: this irrational, fictional person that we're talking about will always have a mind that goes everywhere, and can't concentrate, and is impossible to control, and they will never do what they're told, so they are aberrant, and it's not our fault - the best we can do is feed them some drugs, shunt them out of the way, and ignore them as best we can. Great system. Just make sure that you don't ever question whether or not your approach is wrong, and maybe these aberrants have a point, because it'll fuck your mind.


Mark p.s.2 said...

The Stanford prison experiment, showed when placed into roles of guard or prisoner, we humans tend to act in the role we are forced to play.
That psychiatry is trying to control people , and killing them with a shorter life span from the "medicines" for their illness must be overlooked...
Psychiatrists dont have God complexs
Delusions of grandeur.
"In a contentious Feb. 26 deposition between Dr. Biederman and lawyers for the states, he was asked what rank he held at Harvard. “Full professor,” he answered.
“What’s after that?” asked a lawyer, Fletch Trammell.
“God,” Dr. Biederman responded.
“Did you say God?” Mr. Trammell asked.
“Yeah,” Dr. Biederman said."

Radagast said...

Mark: LOL. Yes, well... I suppose if we're determined to look on the bright side, then I imagine we can draw comfort from the stated fact that Bandleblatt acknowledges *some* authority over himself, even if he never expects to be held to account!

Anyway, I think what happened at Stanford was this (based on my very limited understanding of the Experiment, but my wider understanding of people, generally): as you say, the subjects (both guards and prisoners), adopted the roles assigned to them, with one added point I think. That point is that the subject behaved as they *imagined* that prisoners/guards would behave. Where did they get these models from? No idea - that'd be a question for them, but they evidently thought that it was "normal" to behave as they did, otherwise they wouldn't have conducted themselves as they did.
