Monday 20 July 2009

Seven degrees of separation...

You know the theory... Each of us is only seven acquaintances away from everybody else? Even if the most "powerful" people won't speak to the likes of you and I directly, it shouldn't be that difficult to impact them. And quite quickly, too. I think I'll test the theory...

Who needs Gestalt?



Ana said...

I don't write to "them". I'm trying to raise awareness.
It's hard without any help of mainstream media but I'll keep doing it anyway.
I love all the friends I met.

Radagast said...

Well, I've lost interest... I'm just going to turn myself into a person every bit as stupid and vicious as the rest of humanity.

"The World's Slave"! Laugh My Big, Fat Arse Off. I should have executed the cunts, at the time that I could muster the inclination (now long past).


Radagast said...

Anonymous: [I may not agree, because your comments are incomprehensible, at best. Also, you have deliberately come to my blog and broken the stated Rules without any reference to me. Stay away, if you know what's good for you.]

Ana said...

You will never be able to do that Matt.
This is my dream too. I wish I was stupid and this is serious.
It would be a bless not to be suspicious of every bit of information received.
Now it's too late.
I just remembered one day, when I was on my twenties, that I asked a man home to buy all my books.
Unfortunately what he offered was unacceptable.
Who knows if he had offered some good money we would never have get in touch?

Radagast said...

Ana: [shrug] I've been treated as though I'm evil and stupid, although I suspect that these things, like all others, are merely a matter of perspective. And I've been told all manner of things about myself that appear to be the delusions (or projections), of the utterer.

As such, when I behave "normally," (normally for me, that is), I am evil for others. What I'm doing, of course, is acting in my own interests - damaging others' interests, particularly if they keep them secret, is irrelevant to me. So, if I act exclusively and deliberately in my own interests, and the less benefit that is derived to others from my actions, then the more evil I will be, in the perception of others.

And everybody will have achieved their objectives!
