Thursday, 26 February 2009

Especially for Smelly Cunt, The Cat, and any others who have seen fit to attempt to attack me, in the comments sections

I do like this song. The video is by Anton Corbijn (who directed the recent biopic Control, about the life of Ian Curtis), and dates to 1988.

You'll get nothing from attacking me, chaps, because I'm just going to bounce your ideas back at you, in my own language. I'm very talented, in that way. When you're able to see things more clearly, please feel free to come back.


Ana said...

Where are these scumbags attacking you?
I've searched some of your posts and haven't find it.
You must have deleted and if you did it's the best thing to do.
Or publish it in a post because usually these people go so low - we can see by their nick names - that it can be a somewhat funny.
If it's at any other blog let us know.

I'll listen to the videos you have. New computer finally arrived.
Don't care about these people.
I don't even read these.
Delete, period.

Radagast said...

Ana: Mostly on here, although I hadn't had one in a while, until the recent, additional A Hoy post (I wonder why?!!?). I always delete their comments, these days, but I'm sure to respond in a suitably bored, laconic manner - I'm not inclined to internalize anything!

The problem is one of displacement, I think - I don't like the idea that if I just flip them the bird, they'll head off to somebody else's blog, who isn't quite as able to deal with them. So I try to close off that avenue, in the process.

Enjoy the vids, btw: there must be 50 or so, by now. It's a journey through my world of musical appreciation. I think my favourite *video* is probably Coldplay's "The Scientist", which is one of the first ones I posted, I think - I didn't see what was going to happen, until it happened, and that doesn't happen, very often.


Ana said...

I've just seen your answer at the A Hoy post.
It seems that the person is a man and he is clearly a misogynist.
I will never understand some people's way of achieving happiness.
But human kind is very complex.
Sometimes I read comments at Youtube and there are those who only write to explain why do they "HATE" the band, or the singer...
Why people waste time like this?
It would take the whole day.
I'll see th Coldplay. I only know "Clocks" in other words I know nothing about them.
I like when you have a new post!
Whenever you update I come here with a smile on my face. (it has rhymed... we use to apologize when it happens. Do Britanics also do it?)

Radagast said...

Apologizing for accidental poetry? I wonder how that tradition started? No, we don't do that in the UK (well, I've never heard it done, anyway). I think we're more likely to congratulate ourselves for being inadvertently creative!

Anyway, I like Coldplay - deceptively simple lyrics, I think. "A Rush of Blood to the Head" is probably a good album to get. It's been out a few years, so you can probably get it "as cheap as chips" on eBay, or Amazon.

I'm not bothered about the so-called trolls, to be honest. It's a recurring theme on the Angry Aussie's blog (see my bloglist), which I contribute to, from time-to-time. I've refined my position, pretty well, and I don't believe that they can say anything that impacts me, particularly. You're right about that business of people only being able to comment on the stuff that they don't like, I think - there's so much more in life that is commendable that it seems easier to concentrate on that. I guess that's how some people see the world.


soulful sepulcher said...

Hey where's your inspirational blog award?! this is why I gave it to you--your thinking!

Fid said...

I love your choice of words Matt in the title of your post. Not really a Coldplay fan, I find them boring if I'm being honest but hey, what do I know, I'm currently listening to the Dances With Wolves soundtrack!


Ana said...

I don't know when it started. The rhyming apology! lol
It's only where people are concerned with arts. It's made in a way that the person apologizes but at the same time is proud. - our old mixed messages -. I believe it's because rhyming is considered like an old stile.
I'm not sure.
I will look for Coldplay.
I like Clocks. It's not that simple.
I've noticed that this music is made in a way that it seems that something is in circles or I was taking too much benzos at that time. lol
I usually like happy music. But it's not a sad song.
I just created a radio here:
I have to make a selection.
I'll watch the video.
Fiddy only likes AC/DC.
I'm amazed he is listning to Dance with wolves theme!

Radagast said...

Stephany: Duly posted - sorry, I hadn't got around to doing it.

Fidders: Funny, that: I'm trying to get hold of a copy of the movie, on DVD. It's OOP (Out Of Print), rare and relatively expensive for an old title.

Ana: "Singin', come out upon my seas,
Curse missed opportunities,
Am I, a part of the cure,
Or am I part of the disease"?

Hmmm, a song that you need to be in the right frame of mind to listen to, I think - the question Chris Martin poses is not one that I would wish to consider, for any length of time, not least because it assumes that there is a disease to be cured - a mistake that I maintain psychiatry has made!


Fid said...


AC/DC are my fav band, that is true. I remember when I first heard them - 1979. My foot was tapping straight away - I think the closest I had got to 'rock n' roll before then was owning a copy of Mud's 'Tiger Feet'

It is true that through my youth I would only listen to AC/DC, no other band really cut the mustard or got my foot tapping as much.

Of course as we grow older, we grow wiser. I have quite an eclectic taste in music now.

Having said that I have some great footage of AC/DC in Brazil, they supported Queen in 1985 - Blew them off stage [apparently]


Have you tried Ebay or Amazon? I didn't really enjoy the movie that much, preffered the musical score, in fact, as I type I'm listening to it :-)


Fid said...

PS - This thread has a nice feel about it. Keep it up. Makes a change from threads being hijacked by mindless morons with nothing better to do.


Ana said...

I forgot this part. I always wanted that English was my maternal language. It would made things easier.
But sometimes when I'm listening to music I like to try my best not to "understand" the lyric. It's possible in English but not in Portuguese.
This way I can listen to human voice as an instrument.
He does not have a great voice. So I pay attention to the drums, piano and it all.
"Home, home
that's where I wanted to go..."
I like this.
I 'ill listen to the song again. lol
I believe that I will finally dislike the song.

Radagast said...

Fidders: Yeah, both. I'm actually looking for a copy of the 3-disc SE (Special Edition), which has a higher re-sale value, for when I get bored of it (I'm skint, I have to think of these things!). I could probably get a copy of the standard edition for a fiver, but then I wouldn't be able to sell it for much more than that, either.

Anyway, movies and music: they're two of the very few things that people will agree to differ on, without rancour. Besides which, people are able to say things in both these mediums that they wouldn't be allowed to say, elsewhere. How did musicians and actors ever pull off that trick, McCarthyite witchhunts, notwithstanding?

Ana: Yes, I agree, I think: the words to that song are pretty bleak, but that doesn't come across with full effect when Chris Martin sings it - there's something in his voice that communicates something else, presumably. Same with "In My Place," I think.

Perhaps yours is the best approach: listen to it as a whole, and don't try to understand it piecemeal. I'm just recalling the rhythm, particularly in the intro', which if I remember aright is just a repetitive alternation between F#Maj and FMin - eight beats to the bar, or something. And perhaps that relatively upbeat tempo is what lifts the overall sound of the song?

Anyway, don't let my comments influence you - if you like the song, you'll probably always like it. It strikes a chord, if you'll excuse the pun!


Radagast said...

Dr Octopus; Mrs Holford: What lovely people you are. Peanuts? Yes, that would seem appropriate, somehow. You should listen to "Atmosphere," you know - it's just for you.


Ana said...

"...if you'll excuse the pun."
This is exactly how people apologise in Portuguese. LOL

I told you that if you were born 5 years early you would be a Zepp's fan. :)
In 1985 was the first Rock in Rio Concert. I was there the day of Nina Hagen's presentation.
I don't remember anything.
It was crowed, the floor muddy because it has rained and I was very far.

I've always been eclectic but I love rock.
It's a shame it's over.

This is not a song that I like too much. I think I have already listen enough. Chris Martin doesn't have a great voice for me.

"...repetitive alternation between F#Maj and FMin - eight beats to the bar, o..."

Don't know anything about music.:(
I just listen and feel.

Ana said...

I believe that Dr. Octopus wants us to discuss on Plato, Schopenhauer, Kant... and some political issues.
Soon we will discuss Chechen.
Peanuts, of course.

Radagast said...

Ana: OMG, I hope not! Dr Octopus the closet intellectual?! I haven't looked at any of that stuff since I was reading Law - I think I might struggle to hold a conversation, to be honest!

Anyway, I agree that Chris Martin's voice is not in the same bracket with the great soul singers, or anybody like that, but he's got something. I like that kind of cracked, soulful delivery - it's got a kind of imperfection that makes it accessible, somehow. Incidentally, my limited understanding of music is based on my abilities as a guitarist... If I may characterize my style as "Naive Folk," then you may understand that I'm not an authority!


Radagast said...

Ana: LOL. Schulz! We can discuss Schulz! I can swot up on Snoopy without too much difficulty, I think!


Ana said...

I'm getting far and far from intellectual world.
I was always "around"... lol
knew some, but... none of them spoke to my heart and few to my head.
I rather keep this way. I miss being more creative, painting and drawing, learning to play an instrument.
Concepts... sometimes it makes me angry creating new concepts to old thoughts. I know changing words make difference... but it has never been my real thing.
I cannot "follow" one single thinker.
It has always been hard to me.
To be at the academic world you have to do it.
I admire artists much more than thinkers.
Dr. Octopus, you see... it will not be possible. LOL
I like Schopenhauer when he says that arts can make a difference in people's tedious lives. And I say it this way, without all that jargon.

Radagast said...

Dr Octopus:

Ana: I've always struggled to follow others' trains of thought. I think it's because so many people base their pontifications on received wisdom, and received wisdom is not always accurate, in my experience. Artists, I think, are free to say what they want, but whether their meaning will be understood is another matter.


Ana said...

Yes. Received wisdom, for those who want to be a wiser, should be the start.
The thing is: I don't see any kind of doctrine that can deal with what this world has turned into after the nineties.
I rather be A Hoy co-founder.
We have to go back to Schulz, Matthew.
If we keep on this way we will end up creating another dogmatic approach.
I've listen to Clocks. I still like it. I'll listen to Scientist later.
Do you know The Carpet Crawlers, Genesis?
This is hypnotic. I've searched for the recorded version to start the month with something beautiful but only found it on radios that cannot be embedded.
The videos are live and I don't think they are good for this kind of music.


Radagast said...

Ana: "Carpet Crawlers"? That's from "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway," isn't it, when Peter Gabriel was still fronting the band (it might even have been the last studio album he did with Genesis)? I remember it vaguely. Funny... I used to listen to a lot of Genesis.

Anyway, you're right, I think: too many people see the world as something to be controlled, along with everything/body in it - it's the model of the world that was presented to them, and they can't see it in any other terms. I've lost interest in talking to that kind of megalomaniac - as long as they stay the fuck away from me, I'll tolerate them. I can't help what's been done to them, when they try to keep it a secret.


Ana said...

Yes. I believe this music is so beautiful!
I didn't listen too much to Genesis but some of their songs are masterpieces.
I love Phill Collins and Peter Gabriel in their solo carrier.
I was thinking in giving an A Hoy today.
Perhaps you should make every first day of the month a day to co-founders give one award. Or 25th since the launch day was December, 25.
We should talk to the Royal Academy, the Nobel foundation, Pulitzer... for some support. lol
Can you imagine putting a lot of important foundations badges on the site? We would do nothing but answering e-mails of people wanting... "A Hoy, please, I deserve..." Hehe...
Yes, the models... the worse effect that people find it difficult to act.
I like some thinkers but I see many good people unable to find other solutions because they only have that model.
This is something I was always suspicious and I could not stand.
Marxism was soon forbidden to me since when I was 18 years old it was presented to me as a religion.

PS: I've just remembered in my twenties at a meeting with some neophytes an amazing discussion with a woman that was discussing why the man didn't like Renoir. He kept on repeating his philosophic views were only a few painters were aloud to be liked.
Some years later I saw a Renoir collection in Paris.
I saw all the 7 colours in the white he uses. I saw many things.
Don't put blinds on my view, please!

Radagast said...

Ana: Well, I think that it's difficult to justify that any particular viewpoint (political, religious, artistic, whatever), works for *everybody* and should be adopted by *everybody*. And yet there are people who believe that this is true, and will become violent when they believe that their viewpoint is threatened (think of Pinochet's Chile, for example). People are very dangerous when they're afraid, like any animal. It doesn't matter that Pinochet's solution actually "worked" for very few people - it worked for him and his adherents, and that, seemingly, is enough for some.

I quite like the idea of issuing A Hoys on a regular basis, although my one misgiving is that if one makes a regular monthly thing of it, then it becomes an obligation, and no longer fun for us. As with Herrad, I think I'm going to give them when I see something that touches or inspires me, in some way. Regrettably, I've had other things to attend to, just lately, and I haven't been surfing the blogosphere as much as I would like - as a consequence, I've not seen as many new blogs as I could have.

I tell you what, I'll contact the organizations you mention, and loop Chris's manager in (unless you want to do it). I've a sense that outfits as big as those you mention (and I'd add the IOC), would think themselves too important to associate themselves with us, and would probably just ignore us, and then try to nick the idea for their own purposes. But that's just experience talking.


Ana said...

"Work for very few people"
Pinochet and dictators are enigma for me. I will never understand it. Mugabe... I simply cannot understand.
But now I'm thinking about the "Work for very few people".
It seems you're describing the world.

One thing I agree with one of those thinkers I told you: the fight for freedom is constant. It never stops.
Part of human nature.
World peace is an answer for woman in beauty contents. It is not possible.

I found a great blog:
Plenty of beautiful photos. I feel like moving right now.
"I know a place...
Ain't nobody crying
Ain't nobody worried..
I'll take you there..."
Remember? Staple Singers... great bass line. I love bass. I'm listening from the radio I told you.

I was joking when I've talked about those organizations. But you know... that kind of joke you say but you think: why not give a try? They won't answer, period. At least we tried. LOL

Love hears it's ugly head... Living Colour
There is Leonard Cohen "Suzanne" at this selection. Quite ecletic.
No AC/DC Fiddy! Hehe

Radagast said...

Ana: LOL. World peace *is* a possibility - the very fact that you've conceived of the idea makes it a possibility. And if world peace was the primary objective of everybody on the planet, then it would happen instantly. It's not the primary objective (nor even an interim objective, on the way to the primary objective, as far as I can see), as evidenced by the fact that people continue to try to exterminate one another, and so it won't happen, just yet, and it won't until such time as people acknowledge the futility of attempting to anihilate each other. I understand the process by which people escalate towards violence, but they won't have it - there's always some justification for their stupidity, and usually somebody else "made them do it," or "deserved it". Fucking retards!

Anyway, heading off at a tangent, it costs nothing to write an email, aside from the investment of one's time, and so I think I'll drop a line to those organizations we mentioned. It would cost them nothing to stick their logo on our page, and we've already been endorsed by Sir Chris (ie, he let us use his name), so there's no *real* reason why they wouldn't want to be involved, but one never knows.


Ana said...


Perhaps I'm more pessimistic than you but I see no way human beings will ever stop fighting.
I've just saw "White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" by Steven Okasaki.
People who survived are named Hibakusha.
I could swear that these people with that kind of scars in their body and soul were seen with compassion by Japanese society.
They are discriminated, stigmatized at the degree one of them said: "I'm 72 years old. I believe that they are just waiting for us to die and forget it all." Young people don't have a clue about what these people have suffered even seeing it's effects on old people's faces. It's amazing!

"Heading off at a tangent"! Wow! So that's the way you phrase it. I'm happy to have learned that. I like this expression.
I think Unicef could be included. Because of their aim in putting children on drugs.
Let me know if you need any help on this.

Radagast said...

Ana: Well, if you want to contact Unicef, then feel free to do so. I'd recommend a pretty neutral stance on the drugs thing, though, for several reasons. First, I think A Hoy should be a refuge for all of us from that shite, and allowing it to cross into an area (A Hoy), the purpose of which had nothing to do with drugs, initially, would mean that the Worshipful Company was always on the agenda.

Second, we're all pretty political - anybody clicking the Founders' links on A Hoy will realize pretty promptly how we're positioned - we've made no secret of it, and probably never will. That kind of thing makes people pretty nervous: they don't like to be associated with "rebels" or "troublemakers," even when those rebels/troublemakers are fuelled by righteous indignation. If A Hoy becomes a political forum, then we're even less likely to garner support, and we might even lose Chris Hoy's, which brings me to the third point.

We certainly shouldn't censor ourselves, just because we're borrowing Chris's name, and we're not - but I think our blogs are the place to air our views, not A Hoy. As such, we owe Chris a certain duty to mind our manners, when it comes to A Hoy - elsewhere, we're free to "let rip"!

The long and short is, I think, if you want to invite Unicef, then do so, by all means, but I'd recommend doing so on the basis that associating with Chris Hoy's name would be benefit to Unicef, rather than trying to shame them into collaborating - it's too big an organization, and would feel confident in telling us to fuck off, I suspect!


Ana said...

You are right Matt.
I forgot we are rebels and troublemakers. LOL
But I didn't thought about telling UNICEF about drugging children.
I know a woman that has worked for UNICEF and would be perfect to "teach" me to do it the right way. But I don't have connections to her any longer.
I don't feel I would do the right thing. I have to think and search with people how to do it.
I believe that being a Brazilian also makes things more difficult if I don't have someone to help.
I'll think about it.
No. A Hoy and Cris cannot be a political forum.
I believe we worked too hard choosing blogs from different fields and contents.
You're right they are a big organization but I don't know why I have a huge sympathy for their work.
I believe it's the most important of UN.

Ana., the rebel :)

Radagast said...

Anonymous: I only have two rules on this blog. One of them is that commenters do not post anonymously.

That said, I have no interest in "rising above" anything - if fuckwits wish to take their chances by throwing a few brickbats in my direction, I will construct a rejoinder. And if they're stupid enough to come back for seconds, then that's their lookout.
