Friday 30 January 2009

Genius: there's no other word for it - Part XXXXIII

This reminds me so much of the 80s... YouTube's got a bunch of different versions of this song, including a Top of the Pops appearance, with Richard Butler and the chaps in massive hair and shoulder pads that one shouldn't attempt narrow doorways with! As an album, I think I prefer Book of Days to Talk, Talk, Talk, which this song is taken from... Anyway, here's to 80s bratpack movies:


Ana said...

Can't hear, old computer.
I miss the eighties!
sniff, sniff...
I listening to The Clash right now "Spanish Bombs".
Thank you for the e-mail you've sent to the White House!

Radagast said...

You can pick up "Talk, Talk, Talk" for a song (if you'll excuse the pun), on Amazon. Or eBay, come to that. I love "London Calling" - what a great album. They're well-read, those guys - did you hear the reference to Lorca on Spanish Bombs?

Anyway, you're welcome. I don't really expect anything from that Irish guy. What's his name? Baerach O'Bama? So, if he does intervene, I'll be pleasantly surprised!


soulful sepulcher said...

Just dropping by to say "Hi"!

Radagast said...

Hey to you, too! You know, it's a funny thing: I can never tell whether people ask me how I am in order to establish how *I* am, or how well *they* are!

One notices many patterns... There was one moron, in my last place of work, who said to me "you have more friends here than you think." I retorted "I've seen no evidence of that..." And do you know what? She couldn't provide any. Similarly, my counsellor said to me "I think you're a brilliant bloke," but was unable to explain why he thought that. Just saying it doesn't make it true, is the long and short.


soulful sepulcher said...

Well how are you? lol

Radagast said...

As cagey as ever, I have to say "as well as can be expected"! How are you?

I'm working on a developing a mechanism, which will allow me to earn vast sums of money, by doing very little, and not being taxed for it!!! What do you reckon my chances are - I have to say, right now, I'm reasonably confident?


soulful sepulcher said...

I'm my usual self, which could be good or bad, depending on who describes me I guess! lol

Have you created a new psych med?! and become the CEO of a pharma company? or wrote an abstract about a trial funded by pharma, and pocketed the cash!! lol

Radagast said...

I hadn't really considered those as potential avenues for enrichment, not least because my sense is that, whilst not impossible, the likelihood of me ever being asked is pretty slim, and getting slimmer, by the minute!

No, this is going to be a long, painstaking process, where I ensure that every component is intrinsic to the existing system, such that the loophole I find may not be closed - I'm just going to do things in a different order, so that the cash flows in my direction, instead of away from me, which is what the current system is designed for.


Ana said...

I'm missing you Matthew!
I've been thinking of you. Isn't it amazing that we think about our virtual friends? I do although I find it strange.
"Oh, please leave the venddana open, Fredrico Lorca is dead and gone..."
I don't expect anything for the next two decades.
The "global economy" receives money of illegal and legal drugs.
Nothing will stop it.
It would require lots of action. Sometimes I think of many ways to unite... you know these kind of delusions. lol
I'm glad you are on the verge of becoming a billionaire.
This is great news! :)
I've read somewhere a long time ago that one of the reasons Anthony Burgess moved to US was because of the taxes.
You can read lots of writes I like on the original!
I'm not feeling like reading lately anyway.

Radagast said...

What was it Bob Marley said, when he was questioned on his personal wealth? "I rich in life," or something, I think. Anyway, I understand well enough what people are prepared to do to become massively wealthy, and then hold onto that wealth, and I don't want to be like that - I don't even want to see myself as being like that sort of person. For me, I'm only interested in accumulating cash, in order to understand more precisely how it's achieved. Once I've acquired that knowledge, I'll lose interest, because I know I'll be able to do it again, anytime! Money is not an end in itself, nor even the means by which one achieves anything particularly good, as far as I can see.

Anyway, Internet relationships... Yeah, funny isn't it? I'm probably closer to you guys than to my own family, but then they're such a bunch of closed-off types, that's hardly surprising. The Internet has probably been a Godsend to people who have become isolated by circumstance in the way that most of us have.

I'm all but done with the Worshipful Company, now. The whole thing disgusts me. How Grassley can stomach it is beyond me, to be honest - perhaps because he hasn't been personally impacted by their activities, so he can be a bit more objective. I'm never going to let anybody forget about MK-ULTRA, though - that has to be the nadir, for me - and they're all tarred with that brush, not just Lilley. I'm just going to quietly destroy their reputations in my own inimitable fashion, whenever the opportunity arises! They're really sensitive about that sort of thing, of course, as all the examples of intimidation demonstrate, but if they do ever consider me worthy of their attention, I'll be waiting...


Ana said...

I will never understand people who live as if money is their aim in life. I believe that when a certain amount is reached it makes no difference one million more. But I'm wrong according to their code.
They think that people like me are lazy, don't want to work, has not enough will and a bunch of other things.
But I'm not the exception. Even some middle class think this way although they don't have money to make ends meet.

Yes! It's impossible to explain to most people what has happened to me. The only person who knows is my best friend. I cannot say I take psych-drugs because I cannot withdraw, I was put into them not because I need but because of this whole thing. I will always be seen as a depressed person who needs these drugs to function.
It's so far from reality!

"perhaps because he hasn't been personally impacted by their activities, so he can be a bit more objective."
That's exactly what I think. Those who can advocate without being emotionally touch are pretty much efficient.
It's hard to talk about it all as if "you wasn't there".
That's what I admire in some blogers.
But we need it all!
People who are there, those who overcame but will never forget - it's impossible to forget - every blog has it's place.
I found this:

I wish we cold do something like this so that we could have more power.
